It's unusual to find examples of animated video ads related to the automotive industry, so we could say that Volkswagen made a bold move with this fun animated video. In retrospect, however, they couldn't have made a better choice of strong product descriptions. There is a common misconception that product descriptions should describe the product. Their main job is actually to persuade customers to buy, which is more likely to happen when they focus on benefits and not features. Why are good product descriptions important? Here is solid proof. Emarketer researched the importance of e-commerce product page elements for people shopping online.
Taking a different perspective than most automotive commercials, they brought a green beetle to life and personality and told the phone number list story from its perspective. This way, viewers can easily immerse themselves in the story and understand how Volkswagen's service benefits their cars. The reason is simple if you know who you are writing for, you will know what they are looking for. The most common way to research customers is to use a buyer persona: a representation of your ideal customer. It contains information such as demographics, interests, needs, and goals. The buyer persona here isn't just any snack-hunting person. This description is suitable for people who are looking for healthy and healthier products.
It was also a great way to explain every step of their service process in an engaging way while emphasizing the quality and luxury of their service find all this information in the description. Nobody really wants a fridge, they just want their milk to stay fresh. The refrigerator is only a means to an end. Look what I did there? Focusing on the benefits rather than the product itself is a better way to sell. It's simple: Benefits show customers how the product can make them healthier, happier, more productive, and more.