We'll also look at the top 2022 social media trends . In this article we will talk about: What social selling is and what it isn't: differences between social selling and social media marketing Streamline the customer journey with social selling Zero moment of truth (ZMOT): for a new paradigm of the purchasing process Weaving the web: the crucial phases of social selling Some social selling trends for your 2022 Successful social selling with Adv Media Lab The litmus test of social selling Mediology newsletter subscription What social selling is and what it isn't: differences between social selling and social media marketing Let us immediately clarify a fundamental aspect. Is social selling the same as saying social media marketing.
The answer is no. The two disciplines are not mobile number list superimposable. Social media marketing is the branch of marketing that deals with generating visibility on social media. So what is social selling? Sometimes we hear that sales strategies through social media, but this is an imprecise definition anyway. Let's do some clarity. Social selling can be considered a branch of web marketing that aims to: Approach prospects with minimally invasive techniques (avoiding, for example, the infamous cold calls ) Engage with prospects via social media Publish valuable and relevant content with prospect requests Let's start from the assumption that selling has always been a social activity.
It involves interactions between individuals, the ability to dialogue, listen, empathy and much more. With the advent of the web, social media represent the privileged meeting ground between company and customers. The goal of social selling is not to sell , except indirectly. It is rather to create an image of brand credibility and authority , on which to base any future sales prospects. No more unexpected visits from the seller, annoying phone calls, intrusive emails. Interruption marketing has long ceased to be persuasive, if it ever was. We live in an age where we are constantly bombarded and interrupted by stimuli.