If you have to actively think about how to use the controls, it’s considered a bad UI design. Searching for the button you need or spending a few seconds figuring out what a button does both distract you from the overall experience of using the site. The goal of UI design is not only to provide all the controls a user could want but also to create self-explanatory controls that users understand at a glance specialization of web design, this one dealing with user behavior and feeling when using the site or app. UX design encapsulates many other areas but views them from the perspective of the user. For example, let’s look at loading times, a common problem for every website each field address.
Another concern is space-management. UI designers have to find a happy medium between giving users a lot of options and conserving screen space. That’s how techniques, like hover controls and pull-out menus, came about. It’s the duty of the special leads UI designer to decide which controls need to present at all times and which are negligible enough to hide or disregard completely you’ll not only know what each field does but also which one you need your business to focus on most. As you can see already, none of these areas are exclusive and there’s tons of overlap. Web design and development are just two sides of the same coin, UI design influences UX design, web development supports them all it’s less about which fields handle which tasks, and more about how each field considers the same task from a different point of view.
UI design often coincides with another field called interaction design with the abbreviation “IDX”. Interaction design specializes in all the ways a user interacts with the system, including the interface but also areas like pop-ups, chat, and error windows. Because interaction design emphasizes user behavior so much, it’s like a halfway point between UI and UX design website, focusing on code. Web development is further divided into front-end and back-end explained below. A specialization of web design that deals with the controls people use to interact with a website or app, including button displays and gesture controls.